Almighty and ever living God, as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Austin, we give thanks for your generous providence that has sustained this local church.
Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, continue to inspire us to live out our baptismal call to holiness and charity for one another in our cities, towns, and rural communities.
Inspire our state and local governments to see the world through the lens of the Gospel. Cultivate a deep desire for wisdom and holiness in our Catholic schools and university centers. Give courage and generosity to our Catholic hospitals, Catholic Charities, and all ministries that serve those in need among us.
Bless our priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, and lay faithful that, as the Mystical Body of Christ, we may always be one in you.
We ask the intercession of Mary, under her title of the Immaculate Conception, to keep us faithful to you and the mission you have bestowed upon the Diocese of Austin.
Commissioned by Bishop Joe S. Vásquez in celebration of our 75th Anniversary, this beautifully bound book captures the history and images of our vast diocese. From its earliest days, when residents, settlers and newly arrived migrants came to Texas, building towns and living their Catholic faith, to the present day, this almost 300-page book tells the history in text and photos. Photos of all parishes, missions, convents, schools, hospitals and more live in this compilation.
The Treasures of the Diocese of Austin book is a keepsake and will be a wonderful addition to every home. Books are available for purchase at our gift shop for $40 and at the Diocesan Pastoral Center. Books are available in English and Spanish.
For more information contact Camille Garcia, Director of Communications at the Diocese of Austin at 512.949.2456.
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Austin, five parishes have been designated by Bishop Joe Vásquez as pilgrimage sites to be part of a Plenary Indulgence.
Throughout our year of celebration, the history of the diocese, in the form of a traveling history display, will be showcased at each parish. The Traveling History Display will stop at our parish on June 29 - July 13, 2023.