This page is meant to be a companion to the Advent booklet available in the Narthex at St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church in Austin, TX, starting the First Sunday of Advent. You may always view a digital version here. Use the prayer method found on page 11.
To view the whole series in its original format, please visit Loyola Press' Arts & Faith webpage, where you can find more resources around each piece of art, including a self-guided Ignatian reflection.
Turn to page 11 of your Advent booklet and pray using the prayer guide.
Wassily Kandinsky, The Last Judgment. 1912. Oil on canvas. Public Domain.
A similar written reflection is also available.
Turn to page 11 of your Advent booklet and pray using the prayer guide.
Mattia Preti, St. John the Baptist Preaching. circa 1665. Oil on canvas. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor, San Francisco, California. Public Domain.
A similar written reflection is also available.
Turn to page 11 of your Advent booklet and pray using the prayer guide.
Domenico Ghirlandaio, Preaching of St. John the Baptist. 1490. Fresco. Cappella Tornabuoni, Santa Maria Novella, Florence. Public Domain.
A similar written reflection is also available.