For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism, please
click here. To volunteer to join the baptism preparation team, read below.
The Baptism Preparation Ministry informs parents and godparents of children that are to be baptized of the theological, parental and community aspects of the Sacrament of Baptism. Ministers are encouraged to be a witness to their faith and family traditions, to share experiences in raising children and godchildren in the faith and to provide guidance for choosing godparents.
To initiate the baptismal preparation process at St. Ignatius, one parent must attend a half-hour, one-on-one Orientation with a member of the baptismal preparation team as well as a Baptism class. The orientation process provides an opportunity to determine the best way to assist parents with their child’s faith journey, as well as to review the diocesan policy for baptisms, qualifications for godparents, and required documentation from parents.
Ministers must:
Be comfortable speaking to a group of adults.
Be a good listener, be hospitable and able to relate to others.
Be able to learn and express the theology of Sacraments and share your own experiences.
Strive to maintain an active prayer life.
Be in full communion with the Church.
Be open, flexible and dependable.
Contact Us
Isaac Garcia Director of Adult Evangelization and Catechesis [email protected]