The Cook and Bake Ministry began in 2003 in response to an appeal from the volunteer services director at Safe Place as they were looking for groups who might be interested in providing a meal for the clients who participate in their 16-week LifeSkills training program. Currently, we provide all the meals during the school year for Wednesday meetings. We continue to provide this service to these clients who are working to get out of abusive relationships.
In 2004, the ministry expanded its scope of service to provide meals and refreshments for various parish and community events. In addition to Safe Place, our ministry regularly bakes home baked cookies that are provided for sack lunches that are distributed at the ARCH (Austin Resources Center for the Homeless).
We recently began cooking for our priests on a weekly basis as we recognized their very busy schedules were not allowing them time to cook for themselves, let alone go grocery shopping. This has been a favorite new addition to the members of our ministry.
One of the conveniences of this ministry is that it is an email based group. There aren't weekly meetings or monthly meetings, all correspondence is done via email.
Rachel Villela, Ministry Leader
[email protected]