As Catholics, we believe that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. Each of us is sacred and our lives — body, mind and soul — should be treated with respect. Called to Protect for Youth is a sexual abuse education and prevention program that gives our young people practical tools, in language and a medium they can understand, to realize this fundamental teaching of our faith.
Called to Protect for Youth is a comprehensive program specifically designed to teach middle school and high school aged youth how to protect themselves from child molesters. Research shows that child molesters use the same methods time after time, and the more youth know about how molesters operate, the safer they become. CTPY workshops are facilitated by diocesan trained volunteers and the format includes a three-part DVD series, activities (e.g. making posters or creating a skit) and discussion to reinforce the information presented in the DVD.
Each parish and Catholic school in the Diocese of Austin is required to present Called to Protect for Youth to their sixth and 9th grade students, and those new to the parish/school since the last program offering, every school year (all middle and high school grades may attend). We offer CTPY at two different grades/ages due to the maturation that occurs over those years; students should plan to attend twice, in both their middle school and high school years.
Click here for more information from our Diocesean Ethics & Integrity in Ministry Office website regarding CTPY.