Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) compliance is required of all clergy, religious, seminarians, diocesan employees, parish and Catholic school employees, and adult lay persons who volunteer in ministry with minors or vulnerable adults; or in any ministry, program or organization that serves youth or vulnerable adults in any manner, or functions at a time and place where they are typically present.
To be compliant, one submits an EIM Application for Ministry (one time only) and attends an EIM Workshop every three years.
Do you need to be compliant? New to the EIM process? Already have an EIM account? Visit to learn about compliance policies, how new applicants get started, and how active users maintain compliance. Contact [email protected]
September 7, 2024 from 4-7 p.m. (English)
September 14, 2024 from 4-7 p.m. (español)
Report abuse of a minor, elderly adult, or an adult with a disability to local law enforcement or the Texas Abuse Hotline at or (
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez and the Diocese of Austin are committed to providing compassionate care to persons who have experienced abuse, particularly if committed by clergy or a church representative. If you or someone you know have experienced such abuse, contact the diocesan Coordinator of Victim Assistance and Pastoral Support at (512) 949-2400.
Report unethical behavior by a person serving in ministry to the diocese at (512) 949-2447.
Reporting Abuse or a Notice of Concern
EIM Policies and Resources
Resource Articles
The Diocese of Austin is committed to providing confidential and compassionate care to victims of sexual abuse, particularly if the abuse was committed by clergy or a church representative. If you have experienced abuse by someone representing the Catholic Church, please contact Kathy McCormick, Coordinator of Victim Assistance and Pastoral Support.
Annie Arnett
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Kathy McCormick
Coordinator of Victim Assistance and Pastoral Support, Diocese of Austin EIM Office
[email protected]
Abby Turner – Associate Director, Diocese of Austin EIM Office
[email protected]