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In baptism, we believe that we become children of God. That means we are called to become one united family as a Church with God as our one Father. The founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Blessed Basil Moreau, called his order to live as such a family—eating, praying, and serving together every day as united priests, brothers and sisters. He called us to bring that same spirit of family to our parishes and schools, helping people to encounter God through the warmth and closeness of our faith communities. In fact, Blessed Basil Moreau placed Holy Cross under the special patronage of the Holy Family, with St. Joseph for the brothers, Our Lady of Sorrows for the sisters, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the priests. This is why we have chosen the name “Holy Family Hall” for our new building: to remind us that we are called as a parish to become a united family after the model of Mary and Joseph who lovingly welcomed Christ as their own Son. We, too, are called to warmly welcome each other, especially the poor, as our own family—even to welcome them as Christ among us.
Our goal is $1,750,000, of which $525,000 will remain at St. Ignatius Martyr to meet our parish’s needs, and we will retain 70 percent of any amount we raise over our goal. We have spent the past few months determining how best to use the funds we raise through our campaign, and have decided to invest in building projects, including housing and gathering spaces.
$300,000 for rectory addition
St. Ignatius Martyr is proud to be home to many Holy Cross religious, including visitors and young men in formation. A distinct and privileged aspect of our parish's life is the presence and energy of Holy Cross. In order to maintain and increase this presence, we will build an additional four bedrooms onto the rectory. This space will provide comfortable and private living quarters for visiting seminarians, novices, priests and brothers.
$225,000 to complete the funding Holy Family Hall
Having completed all other projects from our own God's Plan, Our Hope capital campaign, the only remaining project is the construction of a new multi-purpose building. This building will be located where the 5-car garage currently sits and provide the much-needed and versatile space for our growing ministries, as well as a facility for receptions and events. When the campaign began in 2015, the estimated cost of a new facility was $700,000. Almost four years later, our parish ministries have grown substantially. Now that we are interviewing architects, the estimated cost for the new building is between $1 million to $1.2 million. With the success of our own capital campaign, we currently have $800,000 to begin work on the building. Encountering Christ will provide the additional funds needed to ensure the completion of the project without incurring debt.
Encontrando a Cristo es una campaña capital y de fondos para beneficiar a importantes ministerios en la Diócesis de Austin y a parroquias, la nuestra incluida. Junto con 123 parroquias y misiones, nos estamos comprometiendo para asegurar que la Iglesia Católica en el Centro de Texas permanezca fuerte y vibrante por generaciones venideras.