1 p.m. | Mariachi Los Toros
You can’t have a St. Ignatius Martyr Fall Fest without our favorite mariachis, Mariachi Los Toros!See more from Mariachi Los Toros here: mariachiaustin.com
4 p.m. | Fingerpistol
Learn more about Fingerpistol here: fingerpistol.com
Now through Fall Fest on October 19, raffle tickets will be available after Mass. Stop by the table in the narthex and pick up your tickets today! Please see the instructions in the provided envelopes for entry details. Be sure to return ticket stubs and payments in the sealed envelope to the church office or the offertory boxes in the back of the church.
Raffle tickets are $3 per ticket or 20 tickets for $50. Need not be present to win.
Join us for Fall Fest Bingo in the Family Center. Game cards will go on sale at 12:30 p.m. with games beginning at 1 p.m.