Founded and still administered by the Congregation of Holy Cross, St. Ignatius Martyr Parish is a vibrant, growing parish located in the center of Austin, Texas. With over 2,500 registered households, more than 60 ministries, a vibrant school, and a large food pantry, our parish lives out daily our mission to make God known, loved, and served -- and parish staff are a vital component in that work. If you have felt a desire to share your professional talents to build up the Church and your local parish community, we encourage you to review our open positions and apply to those which best match your skill set and experince. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Pastor is the visible principle and foundation of unity in the parish which the Bishop has entrusted to him. He makes Christ's mission present and enduring in the parish. In order to fulfill his mission, the Pastor employs suitable, chosen collaborators (clergy, religious and lay people). He shares with them his mission and entrusts various responsibilities to them.
Employees at St. Ignatius, Martyr Catholic Church help to extend the ministry of the Pastor in particular ways as outlined in the job description. As such, the employee in this position is closely connected to, and assists the Pastor with, the performance of his ministry and, thereby, engages in ministry for the Church.