The pastoral council is one of the leadership teams in the parish along with the finance council, school advisory board and stewardship committee, The pastoral council is open to registered members of the parish who come from a variety of active ministries. There are eleven at large members and a youth representative. The at large members serve two year terms and can serve two terms consecutively. Terms run from August 1 through July 31. The pastor consulting with the youth minister appoints the youth representative. Vacancies in the at large positions are filled through a discernment process beginning in February.
The pastoral council members represent the voice of the whole parish faith community. They encourage and support the pastor and the pastoral team. The council advises the pastor and the team on policies. Members serve as the pastor's eyes and ears in the faith community.
Jim Cartwright | Chair
Tim Gohmann | Vice Chair
Angie Wolf | Secretary
Sarah Leasure | Youth Rep.
Kayley Goldsmith | Member
Rosa Peña | Member
Kathy Reyes | Member
Ed Sharp | Member
Silka Sharp | Member
Emma Streit | Member
Ann Zigmond | Member
Mark Zimmerman | Member
Fr. John Dougherty, CSC | Ex officio
Kevin Harrington | Staff Member
The four parish leadership councils are comprised of lay parishioners and overseen by the pastor. If you are interested in becoming a member of one of the leadership councils, please contact Father John Dougherty at [email protected]