Have you been exploring the Catholic faith on your own? Have you been searching for meaning, truth, or purpose? Do you feel confident God is calling you to the Catholic Church but aren't sure what the first step is?
Email Isaac Garcia and set up a time to chat in person, over the phone, or on Zoom about this stiring in your heart to explore the Catholic faith. You can also give him a call at the parish office (512) 442-3602, or fill out the form below and Isaac will get in touch with you.
Whatever your past or present situation, we will walk with you on your journey of faith.
Read some FAQs about becoming Catholic at St. Ignatius.No matter which Catholic Church you go to if you’re interested in learning more about becoming Catholic, they’ll talk to you about the RCIA, the Rite of the Christian Initiations of Adults. RCIA is a conversion process where adults who are non-baptized or adults who were baptized in different Christian denominations are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. The RCIA process allows adults to be immersed in the Catholic faith through weekly Mass attendance, involvement in the parish, regular reflection on the Scripture, learning about the Church and her teachings, learning how to pray, and becoming a follower of Jesus.
Any non-Catholic adult who is at any stage of interest with the Catholic faith should contact St. Ignatius about RCIA. Whether you’ve been thinking about becoming Catholic for two weeks or two decades, we're here to guide you through your own discernment about how God is calling you in this time of your life.
At St. Ignatius, we accept people year-round. Whenever you feel a tug to contact us, we’re here to walk with you at any stage of your own considering the Catholic faith.
The very first stage in this process is called Inquiry, and it’s an opportunity for you to ask any questions about God, the Catholic Church, religion, or anything else faith-related. Through a series of conversations that take place over the course of about three weeks, we’ll ask some questions of you to get a better understanding of where you’ve been, where you are now, and how you might be feeling called to this process right now, and you'll have an opportunity to ask any question you have.
Additionally, you'll begin to attend our weekly Wednesday sessions for RCIA participants held on Wednesday evenings from August through June (we take July off). This will give you a chance to form community with others also going through this process, learn more about our Catholic faith, pray, and see what it means to follow Christ.
After inquiry and a mutual discernment to continue with RCIA, you’ll go through a Rite where you’re introduced to the community and state your desire to continue in this process. This only takes place when you’re ready and comfortable, which can be three weeks, three months, or three years after our initial conversations. After the Rite, you will continue with weekly Wednesday evening sessions, which is where you’ll spend most of your time learning about the faith before being fully initiated at the Easter Vigil. We’ll explain it all as we go along, don’t worry.
See a short explanation of the RCIA process on this website from the Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia.
Contact Isaac Garcia in the St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church office to set up a time to have an initial, informal chat about RCIA in person, on the phone, or over Zoom. Email him at [email protected] or call him in the parish office at (512) 442-3602.
RCIA Sponsors accompany people who are considering becoming Catholics, serving as a mentor or a guide along the way. Sponsors share their lives of faith with those journeying to become one with us at the Eucharistic table. They are not experts or theologians, but sponsors do share one characteristic: a willingness to share themselves and their faith so that others can better know and follow Jesus.
Requirements: Be a confirmed, practicing Catholic in good standing and a participating member in the life and worship of the community; have a willingness to share your faith with someone exploring his/her faith life and relationship with Jesus Christ; need to be good listeners, flexible nurturing, prayerful, dependable, and communicative.
Isaac Garcia | Director of Adult Evangelization and Catechesis
[email protected]