The Respect Life Ministry is committed to the preservation of all human life through promotion of the dignity and sanctity of all life. It provides education and information regarding life issues from conception to natural death and the quality of life each individual deserves to receive.
"We proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence." — U.S. Catholic Bishops, Pastoral Plan for Pro Life Activities.
January 22nd @ 12:05 p.m.
For those in a crisis pregnancy and an end to abortion.
February 9th @ 5:00 pm
For prisoners on death row and victims of violence and their families.
March 21st @ 12:05 pm
For those with disabilities and the families who support them.
April 24th @ 12:05 pm
For those harmed by abuse.
May 21nd @ 12:05 pm
For the elderly and those nearing the end of life.
June 17th @ 12:05 pm
For all immigrants and separated families.
July 4th @ 9:00 am
For those serving in the military and protection for religious freedom.
August 9th @ 8am
For those practicing NFP(Natural Family Planning)
September 12th @ 12:05 pm
For the homeless and those suffering with mental illness.
October 5th @ 9:30 am
For Respect Life Sunday and those who have suffered a miscarriage or abortion.
November 22nd @ 5pm
For the family and children in foster care wanting a forever family.
The JPII Life Center is a leading pro-life non-profit in Texas that provides free pregnancy services, holistic OB-GYN healthcare, and life-affirming education programs for young teens and adults. To learn more about these programs, please click here. For more information on how to give or volunteer to help inform minds, transform hearts and save lives click here
Project Rachel is a compassionate and confidential ministry that helps women and men suffering emotionally and spiritually from the trauma of abortion. If you are hurting because of abortion, we invite you to begin a journey of healing. Project Rachel has trained priests and professional counselors who can help you to heal no matter what faith tradition is yours.
For help, please call 1-877-WE-CARE-2 or visit for a local contact number.
Are you interested in foster care or adoption in Central Texas? Take the first step and attend a Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) foster/adopt information meeting. Click below to learn more.
We know earthly death is not the end, but rather the door through which we must pass to gain eternal life. Because of our belief and hope in the Resurrection, we can face death not with fear, but with preparation. Although certainly not comprehensive, the considerations in this document are provided as starting points for understanding and preparing for this transition, whether it is imminent or not.
Please click below to download a PDF of Catholic Considerations for Our Earthly Passing or click here.
Paula McKinney, Ministry Leader
[email protected]