February 3: Holey Moley, it’s a Happy Hour! – come get your put-put on with us at 7pm. It’s $14 for the course, they’ve got cool art & a cocktail bar, too! Come start your February with some fun.
February 5: IMPROVing Your People Skills – join us & learn some improv skills that you can use in your day-to-day life with friends, family, partners, coworkers, & even on dates!
February 9: Second Sunday Mass & Meal – have a restaurant in mind that you'd like to try with friends new & old? Reply to this email with your suggestion!
February 12: Volunteer opportunity @ CT Food Bank – we snagged a couple of spots at the Central Texas Food Bank (sign up to volunteer here). It's lots of fun, & you never know what kind of food you'll be sorting!
February 19: Preparing for Lent – Alex will walk us through preparations for lent this year & practices we can adopt as individuals & as a community to have a fruitful lent full of prayer, fasting, & almsgiving.
February 22: Cross & Anchor Gala – the theme this year is Starry Night, & we'd like you to join us at our table. A seat is $150 & includes food, drinks, music, & a fun night with friends! Send us an email if you want to sit with us & we'll get you set up!
February 26: No Rooted
April 11-12: Restoration, a Rooted Retreat – We've reserved 30 beds for an overnight stay at Eagle's Wings Retreat Center in Burnet so we can spend some quality time in community & with the Lord. Please, fill out this form to let us know you’re interested in joining us & you’ll get first dibs on the sign up sheet, coming soon.
April 11-12, 2025: A Rooted-led retreat with an official time & date! We’ll head to Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center up in Burnet for some quality time in community & with our Lord. Please, fill out this form to let us know you’re interested in joining us & you’ll get first dibs on the sign up sheet in the new year.
Weekly Confession Times: Wednesdays at 6pm, Saturdays at 8:30am
Men of the Cross: Men's group meeting Thursdays at 6am. 30 min of homemade breakfast, 30 min of catechesis, 30 minutes of group discussion.
Sunday Scripture Sharing: First and third Sundays from 10:40 to 11:10, small group conversation on the Sunday gospel readings.
February 17: Friday Night Films – head to the Family Center to watch Inside Out 2 with other parishioners at 5:30pm!
February 22: Cross & Anchor Gala – are you interested in going & want a table of young adults to sit with? Reply to this email & we’ll see if we can fill a table!
Katie Willem
[email protected]